
centro studi sulla comunicazione

computer e comunicazione



  1. M. Alfano, N. Cuscino e B. Lenzitti. Structuring didactic materials on the web (STRUCT). Communication & Cognition, vol. 41, n. 1 & 2, pp. 53 - 66. Gent, 2008.
  2. M. Alfano, B. Lenzitti e N. Visalli. SAXEF: A System for Automatic eXtraction of E-learning object Features. Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, vol. 3, n.2/2007, pp. 83-92. Giunti Editore, 2007.
  3. M. Alfano. Design and Implementation of a Cooperative Multimedia Environment with QoS Control. Computer Communications, vol. 21, n.4, pp. 350-361. Elsevier 1998.
  4. M. Alfano, A. Genco e G. Lo Re. Scheduling distributed algorithms on heterogeneous computer networks. Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies, vol. 9. WIT Press, 1995.
  5. M. Alfano e A. Genco. User requirements and distributed scheduling design. IEEE Bulletin of the Technical Commitee on Operating Systems and Application Environments, Spring 1994, pp. 9-10. IEEE Computer Society, 1994.
  6. M. Alfano, G. Lo Re. Concurrent techniques for distributing numerical algorithms. Atti della Accademia di Scienze, Lettere e Arti di Palermo, Parte prima: Scienze, 1994.
  1. M. Alfano, B. Lenzitti e A. Pace. Tutor-Sky: A web environment for multimedia on-line education. Methodologies and Technologies for Learning, G. Chiazzese et al. (Eds.), WIT  Press, pp. 297-304, 2005.
  2. M. Alfano. How was Time before time? Studies on the Structure of Time. Ed. R. Buccheri et al. Kluwer Academics, 2000. pp.273-283.
  3. M. Alfano. User requirements and resource control for cooperative multimedia applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Multimedia Applications, Services and Techniques, vol. 1242, pp. 537-552. Springer, 1997.
  1. M. Alfano e B. Lenzitti. Searching  the internet  for learning materials through didactic indicators. Proc. of  ACM International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies (CompSysTech’ 2007), 14-15 Giugno 2007, Rousse.
  2. M. Alfano, B. Lenzitti e N. Visalli. Text analysis module of a System for Automatic eXtraction of lEarning object Features (SAXEF). Proc. of the III E-Learning Conference, 7-8 Settembre 2006, Coimbra.
  3. M. Alfano, B. Lenzitti e N. Visalli. Creation of on-line courses using existing e-learning objects. Proc. of the II E-Learning Conference, 6-7 Settembre 2005, Berlino.
  4. M. Alfano, B. Lenzitti e R. Versace. On-Lab:  A web environment  for On-line Labs development. Proc. of  ACM International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies (CompSysTech’ 2005), 16-17 Giugno 2005, Varna.
  5. M. Alfano, B. Lenzitti e V. Di Gesł. Virtual Laboratories at Computer Science degree in Palermo University: A case study. Proc. of the E-Learning Conference, 6-8 Settembre 2004, Brussels.
  6. M. Alfano e V. Di Gesł. A Virtual Laboratory (V-Lab) for remote training on computer networks. Final meeting of European Computing Education and Training (ECET), 1-2 Settembre 2003, Berlino.
  7. M. Alfano, M. Krampell e M. Smirnow. End-to-end quality in IP networks: Can we offer and charge it? IEE Proc. of the 17th World Telecommunications Congress (WTC 2000), 7-12 Maggio 2000, Birmingham.
  8. M. Alfano. QUASIMODO - Offering end-to-end quality to the user. Proc. of the Workshop "Quality in Telecommunications Services (QUTE '99)", 21 Ottobre 1999, Heidelberg.
  9. M. Alfano. End-to-End Quality of Service in Distributed Information Systems. Proc. of the Workshop "Quality in Telecommunications Services (QUTE '98)", 14-15 Ottobre 1998, Heidelberg.
  10. M. Alfano e V. Di Gesł. Data analysis and multimedia systems for tele-astronomy. Proc. of the CCMA'97 Conference: Converging Computing Methodologies in Astronomy, 17-18 Settembre 1997, Sonthofen.
  11. M. Alfano e R. Sigle. Controlling QoS in a collaborative multimedia environment. Proc. of the Fifth IEEE Intern. Symposium on High-Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC-5), 7-9 Agosto 1996, Syracusae, NY.
  12. M. Alfano, R. Sigle e R. Ulrich. A cooperative multimedia environment with user-driven QoS control. Proc. Of the Eighth IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks, 25-28 Agosto 1996, Berlin/Potsdam.
  13. M. Alfano, R. Sigle e R. Ulrich. Management of cooperative multimedia sessions with QoS requirements. Proc. of the IEEE Gigabit Networking Workshop GBN ‘96, 24 Marzo 1996, San Francisco, CA.
  14. M. Alfano, A. Di Stefano, L. Lo Bello e O. Mirabella. An expert system for planning real-time distributed task allocation. Proc. of  FLAIRS-96, 20-22 Maggio 1996, Key West, FL.
  15. M. Alfano, A. Genco e S. Lopes, A. Prestigiacomo. Scheduling simulation on a Parallel Virtual Machine. Proc. of the 1994 European Simulation Symposium, pp. 21-25,  9-12 Ottobre 1994, Istanbul.
  16. M. Alfano. On the characteristics of schedulers for distributed computing systems. Proc. of AICA'94, pp. 685-697, 21-23 Settembre 1994, Palermo.
  17. M. Alfano. Scheduling features in distributed systems. Proc. of the SBT/IEEE International Telecommunications Symposium, pp. 52-56, 22-26 Agosto 1994, Rio de Janeiro.
  18. M. Alfano. A parallel application model for scheduling in distributed systems. Notes for the DAGS'94 School on Parallel Programming Environments, 8-12 Luglio 1994, Hanover, NH.
  19. M. Alfano. Modeling a distributed application with precedence and synchronization relations. Proc. of the 19th Intern. Conf. on Information Technology and Programming, pp. 54-62, 26 Giugno - 2 Luglio 1994, Sofia.
  20. M. Alfano e G. Lo Re. Distributing numerical algorithms: Some experiences with Network Computing System (NCS) and Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM). Proc. of the Workshop on Cluster Computing, 2-4 Dicembre 1992, Tallahassee, FL.