center on communication studies

















One is lead to a new conception of UNINTERRUPTED TOTALITY that denies the classical idea of the possibility to analyse the world in existing parts in a separate and independent way... We have turned upside down the usual classical conception according which the independent "elementary parts" of the world are the fundamental reality and the different systems are only particular contingent forms and arrangements of these parts. Or rather, we say that the fundamental reality is the inseparable quantistic interconnection of the whole universe and that the parts with only a relatively independent behaviour are only particular contingent forms inside this whole.

D.Bohm and B.Hiley


One thing distinguishes modernity from all the past and gives it a distinctive character: the knowledge of the eternal becoming and vanishing of all things in an incessant rapid passage and the intuition of the link existing among all things.

H. Bahr

The material object becomes something different from what we see at the moment, it isn't any more a separated object on the background or among the rest of Nature, but an indivisible part and, in a light way, even an expression of the UNITY of everything we see.

S. Aurobindo


Today we can say that there is a fractal concept and geometry of nature. They are essentially based on the concept of auto-similarity, a property shown by systems with structures that remain constant when the observation scale changes, in other words, when parts, no matter how small, are like the whole.

B. Mandelbrot


Things take their being and their nature from the MUTUAL DEPENDENCE and are nothing by themselves.



At the farthest border of 'reality', that so much has fascinated the Occident, everything inverts: at the extreme frontiers, the outside becomes the inside, and what is objective turn into emotion. At the extreme borders of their art, mathematicians tell us that they find themselves facing music.

Patrice van Eersel


We could define the new paradigm a holistic vision of the world, considering the world as an INTEGRATED TOTALITY rather than as a series of separated parts.

Fritjof Capra


Activated lines of multi-section research

  • The communication processes: components, principles, meccanisms, values, finalities