center on communication studies


arts and architecture




Which spaces for man?
directed by Fabio Alfano
may 5 - 27, 2001, Padiglione Tre navate, Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa - Palermo




















by Michel Pochet

Michael, angel of beauty

Gabriel, angel of truth

Raphael, angel of good

Uriel, angel of the One

Lucifer, the bearer of light

Michael, Gabriel e Raphael. They are three like the three figures in who Abraham identifies and worships the only God, under the Mamre Oak. They look like men but the tradition sees in them angels. The beauty, the truth and the good are not to be taken separately, and neither to be opposed. Uriel reminds us of this. They are strictly interdependent. Each one in some way contains the other two. Beauty can't be missing in truth and in good without becoming ugly. Good can't be missing in truth and beauty without going bad. Truth can't be missing in good and beauty without saying lies. Each one brought to the maximum of the own quality -to the incandescence of Uriel- coincides with the other two, without therefore confounding with them.

Lucifer is the angel looking like God more than the others. He is the beautiful angel above all, almost as beautiful as God.

Lucifer is jealous of God's beauty, so much that he refuses, according to a widespread Tradition, the Incarnation that he considers a pollution of such beauty. Lucifer betrays God to save against God himself the purity of God's beauty. Lucifer in his own madness thinks he is more beautiful than God. Here lays the importance of Michael's cry: who is more beautiful than beauty?



by Rossella Leone

"The art of building is a highly philosophical art..." says Thomas Bernhard in Correction.

The anxiety of creation going with the project and the realisation of an architecture marks therefore the main track along which can flow the entire anxiety of a life, the soul of a life, the intimacy of thought, the requests of affirmation and fight, the modulating of breath in the course of time.

A doorstep or a space closed by walls isn't enough to call habitation the container containing us.

The space of architecture is a dense breathed space, not wrapping, but rather opening, pulsating energy that generates its own frontiers.

We forced our "ego", complicated and cumbersome, to live in a body that is more and more mortified in its human dimension.

The discomfort and the uneasiness today force us to stop and listen to ourselves.

SOUL'S HOUSE is a work in progress extended to the creation of "instruments" to "live" in order to "listen and produce" the own interior sound.



by Giovanni Chiaramonte

The organ making construction possible is not the hand, the organ making representation possible is not the brain, like the organ making vision possible is not the eye, but the heart where, through the hand, through the brain, through the eye, man's ego meets the other's you and God's you. Here in the heart, where thought becomes feeling, will, action, here the angel watches and lights as the hall of the presence that created the world and man, as the first room of every house and as the first house of every town. Only here man can find himself, because only here he can say like Dylan Thomas: "I am found ".



by Mimmo Catania

I have always found that Angels have the vanity to speak of themselves as the only wise; this they do with a confident insolence sprouting from systematic reasoning.

William Blake





by Tommasina Squadrito

His tactile thought gives back the pressure, his writing that sand soothes and lets partially see.



VIDEO Selection by the ZKM - Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie of Karlsruhe -of the works that received a prize in the 2000 edition of CITY, Festival Internazionale dell'Arte e dei Media, with ZKM and SWR