center on communication studies





living between
new researches on contemporary space







The ideal space
Debate on the contemporary living and its conception

Porto, april 21-27, 2003

coordination Rui Braz Afonso
Carlos Nuno Lacerda Lopes
Saurabh Pradeep Malpani
and the teaching staff of the F.A.U.P.



From March 25, 2003,
the Workshop website
will be on-line and will provide all information on programmes, inscriptions and accomodation facilities in Porto





















Sketch by Carlos Nuno Lacerda





realized project




The aim of workshop is to find and discuss the ideal living without fixed condition, location and space organization without specific constrains. The themes followed will be:

1. Frequentation vs. Living

2. Extension vs. Nucleus

3. Permanent vs. Temporary

4. Addition vs. Subtraction

5. Housing vs. Environment
i) Living space for environment.
ii) Environment for living space.

Participants will be asked for curriculum vitae and small write-up why they are interested in joining workshop and that will be selection criteria for workshop.

Group of 30 people - group will be divided into two

1) Write a routine schedule of working day as well as weekends and what you would like to do in vacations/free time?

Output - Can see how monotonous life people have and for leisure everybody goes for same activity (short time pleasure). In second one the search for desire or dream they aspire when they are not bound to working conditions. (Its is also short time pleasure with different conditions)

2) Write five lines of domestic space, which they enjoy (use) most.
- Draw in the form of sketches or perspectives.
- Then make a model of it on the base of 35cm x 35cm.

After break, and feedback of lectures.

- Assign to design domestic space (with description of situation).
- After design is done build a model of it on the base of 35cm x 35cm.
- Compare the model with outcome of 2.

Output of 2 and 3 will help to find links between human adaptation and change with time, technology, Material and effects of non-designed and designed things. Outcome of 3 may be short-term with respect to 2. Initially first group is given task 2 and second group task 3 and in next phase it will be switched to have more critical results.

At the end of every daily session will conclude with conference on different disciplinary visions of space of living, as follows:

General division of output             Role-played by
1st Day
Watch your Space                              Philosopher
2nd Day
Organize your Space                         Sociologist
3rd Day
Draw your Space                               Architect
4th Day
Build your Space.                               Theatre Director

Invitied conferancist

Manuel Maria Carrilho, Philosopher
Augusto Santos Silva, Sociologist
Manuel Graça Dias, Architect
Ricardo Pais, Theatre Director

The workshop will initiate with 6 installations under the theme 'Temporary Living' to have 'ignition to participates.

No. 1 to 10 are proposed sites at Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto for which five-invited artist will make installation and they will be installed before the workshop.




Out of 10 proposed sites for installation an artist choose one of them.

The organization team develop an installation on site 1 - Entrance Pavilion of Faculty and will 'angelize' the south wing of Faculty.




The instillations will motivate and will put ideas and thought by artist and organization team.

For supplementing whole workshop with conferences, we also want to invite some prominent personalities.